Water rights is a big part of a property owners estate. A land owners’ water rights depends largely on the state the property is located in, the body of water in...
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Personal property and real property are key real estate terms you will need to know for your real estate exam. Often, students misapply these concepts. Here are the key...
Understanding the basics of easements and encroachments is important for preparing for your real estate exam. This real estate exam prep video will discuss the key real...
Tap into the power of YouTube advertising to quickly grow your channel and reach new views $5 a day YouTube ads. ...
To pass the real estate licensing exam, student will need to know and understand how someone take title to real property. In this video I will explain several key real...
Students must understand the concept of Condominium Regimes. This real estate exam prep video outlines the process of the creations of a condo regime and discuss key...