To pass the real estate licensing exam, student will need to know and understand how someone take title to real property. In this video I will explain several key real...
Students must understand the concept of Condominium Regimes. This real estate exam prep video outlines the process of the creations of a condo regime and discuss key...
Students stufying for their real estate exam need to know and understand the concept of real estate cooperatives AND the difference between cooperatives and condominimum...
Land measurement, as part of the Government Rectangular Method of Survey is based on land measurements. As a real estate student preparing for the real estate licensing...
What is a lien? Liens are an important concept real estate agents must know and understand. Students preparing for their real estate license exam must have a good...
In this real estate exam prep video we will look at the different types of partnerships real estate agents may do business with. Students preparing for their real estate...
In this real estate exam prep video we discuss the different types of Corporations a real estate agents may encounter. This real estate exam prep video also discusses...
The Bundle of Rights is an absolute must know for the real estate exam. In this video we will discuss what the Bundle of Rights are and how they impact ownership. Before...
Understanding how someone aquires and or loses ownership to real property is important to know for the real estate licensing exam. This real estate exam prep video will...
Understanding the purpose of the Deed and conveyance of title is essential for students studying for their real estate licensing exam. In this real estate exam prep...