Many real estate agents today are using electronic signatures or e-signatures to conduct their business… while it’s an awesome tool there is a VERY dangerous trend that...
Real Estate Agents: What’s GROUP BUYING Group Buying is a new trend in purchasing real estate. It’s been around for a few years in higher priced real estate markets...
Real Estate Agent Bookkeeping Spreadsheet – Updated for 2020 Make sure you “SUBSCRIBE” to my channel… Join us on Facebook: About 10 years ago I...
Escalation Clauses: What Real Estate Agents Need to Know – With low inventory causing multi-offer situations in many parts of the country, real estate agents and...
Signature blocks on a real estate contract are just as important to the overall contract as any other provision. This is especially true when the buyer or seller is a...
Can Residential Real Estate Agents Sell Commercial Property? Can residential real estate agents sell commercial property? Can commercial real estate agents sell...
Should Listing Agents Disclose Existence of Purchase Offers? Do you have any offers in on the property? That’s a common question of buyer’s agents in today’s real estate...
Real Estate Agents MUST Disclose Variable Commission Listing to Buyers Agents REALTORS® MUST disclose variable rate listing commission structure for property they have...
Can Buyer Require Purchase Offer Be Kept Confidential? There are times and situations when a buyer may want to have their purchase offer kept confidential. Is that...
Real Estate Agent – Can the Seller Dictate the Buyer’s Title and Escrow Companies? And the answer is… The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) has strict rules...